Multi-level Marketing is the tools for ordinary people to achieve extra ordinary income!
If you can recommend 10 customers, why you think others can not recommend 10?
Not effect by weather, you are the boss, 24x7 round the clock, it's the best there is!
Build with an kind heart, you may help many who is in need along the ways!
For the few that has already success, please help others by sharing this good news too!
Numbers works like magic, unbelievable? Believe it!
Vision + Attitude + Action = SUCCESS
Sama-sama ada jalan Jutawan, kita bermodal RM55 dan 5 langkah sahaja.
Kami tiada modal ratusan atau ribuan tetapi kami ada impian Jutawan dengan RM55 dan 5 langkah untuk mencapainya.
Kami tiada ceramah atau taklimat mingguan/bulanan, tetapi dengan handphone, di mana jua sahaja anda boleh menjalankan sponsoring anda.
Kami tiada leader besar,hebat atau cekap, tetapi sesiapa pun boleh menjalankan bisnes ini tanpa keperluan orang lain.
Kami tiada bukti Jutawan lagi, tapi kami ada peluang terbuka untuk anda menjadi Jutawan dan bukan orang lain.
Kami bukan syarikat besar, tapi bonus anda boleh ditunaikan ke bank anda setiap hari.
Kami tiada orang yang tidak akan berjaya tapi cuma ada yang malas kerja untuk kejayaan saja.
Question & Answer
1. Money Game?
Money game is classified as No or none value product being offer, such as e-book, virtual product, etc. 1whp offer Scalar Energy Card at low price.
2. Why 1whp offer Junior Package(RM55)?
Junior pack give customer the platform and opportunity to earn first, only paying for the product from their bonuses
3. How to top-up credits in e-wallet?
Please purchase credits from our list of Stokis, remember, with e-wallet credits, it's like with gun but no bullets!
4. How to withdraw from e-wallet to local Bank?
Login and click on withdrawal or sms "WDR#BANK NAME#ACCOUNT NO#AMOUNT#PWDX" all withdrawal will be process in 3 working days, and are subject to:
i) Bank Accounts Name must be the same with A/C holder's Name.
ii) RM9 is charges per transaction.
5. How to stop bonus notification?
Send "MSG#OFF" to server or login to edit account, turn SMS notice to NO.
6. Why I received skip Bonus Notification?
You need to qualify 5 star to overwrite 5 levels group bonus, for details, please refer to marketing plan.
7. Why my bonus is deduct 50% ?
The deduction is for auto upgrade your package to next level. This auto deduction allow low entry yet can earn big income.
8. What if the company suddenly shut down operations?
The risk is very minimum, because:
i) Marketing Plan don't overpaid
ii) Bonus paid instantly, daily withdrawal, company don't kept your money.
9. Why I don't see the company address?
This business is fully E-Commerce, all correspondence please email to, this help maintain low operation cost.
10. How can I answer if customer asking about company background?
Company establish since 1981, more important question is can you make money and withdraw to bank anytime you want?
Junior pack give customer the platform and opportunity to earn first, only paying for the product from their bonuses
3. How to top-up credits in e-wallet?
Please purchase credits from our list of Stokis, remember, with e-wallet credits, it's like with gun but no bullets!
4. How to withdraw from e-wallet to local Bank?
Login and click on withdrawal or sms "WDR#BANK NAME#ACCOUNT NO#AMOUNT#PWDX" all withdrawal will be process in 3 working days, and are subject to:
i) Bank Accounts Name must be the same with A/C holder's Name.
ii) RM9 is charges per transaction.
5. How to stop bonus notification?
Send "MSG#OFF" to server or login to edit account, turn SMS notice to NO.
6. Why I received skip Bonus Notification?
You need to qualify 5 star to overwrite 5 levels group bonus, for details, please refer to marketing plan.
7. Why my bonus is deduct 50% ?
The deduction is for auto upgrade your package to next level. This auto deduction allow low entry yet can earn big income.
8. What if the company suddenly shut down operations?
The risk is very minimum, because:
i) Marketing Plan don't overpaid
ii) Bonus paid instantly, daily withdrawal, company don't kept your money.
9. Why I don't see the company address?
This business is fully E-Commerce, all correspondence please email to, this help maintain low operation cost.
10. How can I answer if customer asking about company background?
Company establish since 1981, more important question is can you make money and withdraw to bank anytime you want?
11. Can I build the business w/o using the bulk SMS service
Yes, affiliate bonus is paid when a sales is introduced regardless the SMS usage.
12. How bonus is paid to me?
Bonus is paid to member's e-wallet a/c, the points in e-wallet can be used to activate new customer or made withdrawal to any bank a/c in the world
13. Why is FULL Name & FULL Address needed during registration of accounts?
For a security reason, e-wallet can only withdraw to bank accounts of the same registered name only, address is forreceiving the starter kit by postal mail.
14. How secure is my credits in e-wallet?
Credits can be withdraw daily, do not keep any amount that you're not comfortable with.
15. Can I do the business if i don't live in MALAYSIA?
Please add (+6 country code) in front of the server's number.
16. What do I have after I've activate my accounts?
First, please learn about the product, the system, how to use your hand phone as business tool and get yoursponsor to support.
First, please learn about the product, the system, how to use your hand phone as business tool and get yoursponsor to support.
17. Can I activate Advance Package without the Junior Package?
No, Junior Package is compulsory, this package help everyone to start easily. You'll benefit from earning 2 bonusesfrom 2 package.
18. If I activate Advance RM200, can I sponsor Advance RM1000?
No, A02 can only sponsor A02, to sponsor AD1, you need to upgrade to AD1 prior sponsoring AD1.
19. Where can I purchase my e-wallet credits?
Login to the website, click on the Stokist List, then choose the stokist you're most comfortable to purchase youre-points with.
20. Is there any other cost involved to maintain my network?
You can run this business at your own leisure & freedom as there are no extra cost involved to maintain thebusiness.
21. What do I have to do if i forgot my ID & Password?
Just type 'welcome' and SMS to the server, the server will reply you within a minute.
22. Why upgrade is needed?
We do not have monthly maintain, to allow everybody to earn again, this upgrade bonus is serve as additionalincome.